And then there are the steaks that are truly indulgent—far too special and too refined to be enjoyed every day, but ideal for those hard-earned moments of pleasure; like good cigars, these steaks are made for rarified moments—and of course, these are exactly the steaks we specialize in here at Fuego Diablo. As we like to say, you don’t indulge every day—so when you do, why indulge with an everyday steak?
Many of our customers here in Canada are currently buried under five feet of snow. They can’t even see their grills any more, much less put them to good use. But don’t worry: Cooking the perfect steak is still possible.
Here’s something we’ve noticed about our Fuego Diablo customers: Many of them try our steaks without necessarily intending to become lifelong Diablo devotees. Often, it all starts with a simple occasion.
Diablo steaks are extravagant. They’re big, bold, beefy, highly marbled. They’re decadent. They’re meant to be indulged. And they’re better than anything you’ll get from your local supermarket, or even your favorite steakhouse.
If you follow Fuego Diablo on Facebook or Twitter, you know that we’re not impervious to a little snobbery. In fact, one of our very first Diablo blog posts dealt with the concept of “steak snob culture”—a culture to which we unashamedly belong.